Makhdoom Alauddin 'Ali Ahmad Sabir kaliyari of Piran Kaliyar was born in Herat in 592 A.H. / 1196A.D.
His Father died when he was seven years old, and his mother, because of their extremepoverty, took him to her brother Baba Farid, with whom she left him. When he grew to manhood, Baba Farid appointed him to supervise Langar Khana (public kitchen). Subsequently his mother came again from Herat to see her son and was very grieved to find him so much reduced. She complained to Baba Farid about his neglect of her son. When Baba Farid made inquiry as to the cause of his starved appearance, 'Alauddin replied "I was asked to supervise the kitchen but I was not told if I myself might eat from it." On receiving this explanation Baba Farid was overjoyed at the scrupulousness of his nephew and forth with bestowed on him the title of Sabir, or patient one.
Later Baba Farid appointed him as his successor and sent him to Kaliar. There he was ill-treated by the people and on a particular Friday when he went to the mosque to take part in prayer, he was forced out of the main building into the courtyard. It has been narrated that as a direct consequence of their rudeness to the Shaikh the entire mosque suddenly collapsed crushing to death many of worshipers present there. It was at this place that Alauddin Sabir spent his days in a small hut beneath a fig tree with his disciple Shamsuddin Turk as his sole companion, it was this disciple who succeeded him after his death. Alauddin Sabir is said to have possessed such a resplendent personality that no one dared to come near him. Even his disciples would sarve his meals from behind never venturing to confront him. Like other saints of the Chishti order Alauddin was found of music but the musicians settled themselves at a considerable distance from the Shaikh while they sang. After twenty six of such solitary existence Alauddin Ahmad Sabir died in 690 A.H. / 1291 A.D., His urs is celebrated on 13th Rabul -ul-awwal. The extreme loneliness of his life accounts for the lack of some account of himself and his teaching. Alauddin's gloomy disposition and irascible temperament stand out in blod contrast to Nizamuddin's amiable nature and wide popularity. Indeed it was this characteristic features in their respective disposition that have led some Sufis to formulate the theory that the two Shaikhs represented two different aspects of the attributes of Allah. Nizamuddin's life exhibited the pose of Jamali i.e., the glorious attributes, while 'Alauddin appeared just Jalali expressions. The former, by his sympathy, humility in nature and generosity drew thousands towards him on the other hand he became isolated him from the public consequently he lived and died in the company of one lone disciple. Nizamuddin may be looked upon as the archetype of that class of Sufis known as Ahl-e-Sohbat "associates" and 'Alauddin may as that of Ahl-e Khalwat, recluses secluded nature. Shaikh Ahmad's vicegerent was Shamsuddin Turk (d. 718 A.H. / 1316 A.D.). And Shamsuddin's Khalifa or disciple was Shaikh Jalaluddin (Panipat) who was a representative of Wahdat-ul-Wujud. Shaikh Jalaluddin Vicegerent was Shaikh Abdul Haqq Rudaulvi and his Khanqah is Rudauli. Shaikh Abdul Quddus Gangohi is also one of the great saint of this order and after him this chain was entrusted to Shaikh Jalaluddin Thaeiswari and Shaikh Abdu Sayeed Gangohi, Muhibbulla's Pir and spiritual master.
Hazrat Abu Saeed Gangohi (wisaal 1049 Hijir) was famous Chisti Sabri sufi saint. He was mureed of his maternal grandfather Hazrat Jalaluddin Thanesari. To complete his spiritual training his grandfather asked him to train under Hazrat Nizamuddin Balkhi, he did various mujahidaat (spiritual exercises) for 12 years and after receiving khilafat from Hazrat Nizamuddin he moved back to Gangoh. Hazrat Sadiq Gangohi and Hazrat Muhibbullah Allahabadi were among his khulafa. His mazar is located in Gangoh, UP, India. (Rahmatullahi taAla alayhim wa ajameen)
He was the grandson of 'Abdul-Quddus Gangohi and his mother was the daughter of Shaikh Jalalddin Thaneswari. In his youth he was in army but he left the military profession to became disciple of Shaikh Jalaluddin who later transferred him to the care of Shaikh Nizam Thaneswari. When Shaikh Nizam setteled down in Balkh, Abusayeed followed him and was under his training for 12 years. Shaikh Abusayeed came back to Gangoh when his pir bestowed him turban of Khilafat and installed him as his vicegrant. He began to superwise the work at Shaikh Abdul-Quddus Khanqah in Gangoh. He had three vicegrants, Sadiq Gangohi, Shaikh Ibrahim Rampuri and Shaikh Muhibbullah Allahabadi. Shaikh Abusayeed's influence reached as far as U.P. through his Khalifa Shaikh Muhibullah. Shaikh Abusayeed passed away in 1049 Hijri,1639 A.D.