The ancient name of Allahabad is Prayag means sacrifice. It guarded the conjunction of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers in the eastern ganegtic plain and because of is very sacred for Hindus. In all of the historic periods this area has have an especial importance and fame. The title of Tir Tahraj in meaning the Shrine's king shows it. Akbar the Great erected a huge court here in 988 A.H. / 1580 A.D. and shifted its named to Allahabad. It has related that he called it Ilahabas and after sometime was changed to Ilahabad, And was said that Shahjahan changed it. This included provinces of Kara-Mankipur and Jaunpur. The history of this area can be divided into three phases; first the advent of Babur till 998 A.H. / 1580 A.D., second developments from 998 A.H. / 1580 A.D. to the battle of Khajua in 1069 A.H. / 1659 A.D. and then the history of the province down to the death of Aurangzeb in 1119 A.H. / 1707 A.D. In the second phase the province witnessed intermitter rebellions of Salim (later Jahangir) and Shahjahan. Also during the same time it was an important cultural and scientific centre. When prince Dara Shikoh erected as Subahdar of Allahabad it flourished more than before and his supporting o f Sufis and 'Ulamas, especially Shaikh Muhibbullah, draw so many of this group to Allahabad. In his letter to Shaikh Muhibbullah Dara Shikhh wrote:
جامع علوم ظاہری و باطن حاوی مراتب صوری و معنوی میاں شیخ محب الله را از محب فقرا
دعا و سلام برسد. از گرفتن صوبه اله آباد بيشتر خوشحالی از وجود شریف ایشان است هر
کساری و مهمی که در آن رعایت مومنان باشد به باقی بیگ اثر می نموده باشند و اخلاص
اینجانب رابه فقرا بدرجه اعلی شناسند
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