سید میر محمد قنوجیؒ خلیفہ اکبر شاہ محب اللہ الہ آبادیؒ
سید کبیر محمد قنوجی نبی کریم کی اولاد میں سے تھے۔ آپ قنوج کے رہنے والے تھے۔
لکھنؤ میں درسی کتابیں حضرت مولانا عبدالقادر فاروقیؒ سے پڑھیں۔ علوم ظاہری کی تکمیل کے بعد الہ آباد پہونچے اور حضرت شاہ محب اللہ ؒ الہ آبادی سے بیعت حاصل کی تو کسب اسرار حقائق کی طرف مشغول ہوئے۔ آپ عالم علوم ظاہری اور طریقہ تصوف میں علمائے وقت میں بہت ممتاز تھے۔
آپ ہی نے شاہ جہاں بادشاہ سے معافی تقصیرات عالمگیر لکھوا کر اورنگ زیب کے حوالے کیا تھا۔ آپ ہی کو حضرت شاہ محب اللہ الہ آبادیؒ نے وصیت فرمائی تھی کہ شیخ تاج الدین سے ایک فرزند نرینہ ہو گا۔ اس کا نام سیف اللہ رکھنا اور تعلیم ظاہر و باتن سے آراستہ کرکے خرقئہ پیران طریقت پہنانا۔ بعد رحلت شاہ محب اللہ الہ آبادیؒ کی حسب وصیت سید میر محمد قنوجیؒ پرورش و تعلیم نبیرۂ شاہ محب اللہ الہ آبادیؒ میں مشغول رہے۔ اکثر و بیشتر سنت نبوی کی ادائیگی اور اہل و عیال کی خبر گیری کے لئے قنوج تشریف لے جاتے تھے۔ قنوج میں رنگ محل یا موتیا محل جس کو سید میر محمد کبیر قنوجیؒ استاد عالمگیر و بانی سرائے میراں تعمیر کرایا تھا۔ سید میر محمد کبیر قنوجیؒ کی تعمیر کردہ پختہ سرائے جو محمد آباد کبیر معروف بہ سرائے میران برلب شارع اعظم قنوج سے دو میل مشرق جانب واقع ہے۔سرائے مذکور کے قریب ایک باغ میں سید موصوف کے صاحبزادے سید امجد علی کا عالی شان مقبرہ بھی ہے۔ سید میر محمد قنوجی کا وصال ۲۲/شوال بروز جمعہ ۱۱۰۱ ھ میں ہوا تھا۔ آپ کا مزار قنوج میں مرجع خلائق
Syed Muhammad Kabir Qannauji was the second successor of Shaikh Muhibbullah Allahabadi. He was one of the descendants of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). He was known by this alias Rasuldar. An inhabitant of Qannauj he was a great Alim and a good mathematician too. He was a great worshipper of God (Allah) and most of his time was spent in God"s worship. He had parfect Knowledge of Sufism (Tasawwuf). He was a prominent feagure among the Ulama of his time and was teacher of Aurangzeb And Aurangzeb used to discuss with him on jurisprudence and Hadith thrice a week. When Aurangzeb incarserated Shahjahan, he appointed Mir Sahib Shahjahan"s companion in Jail. He used to have mutul discussions with Shahjahan about Hadith, their expositions and Tasawwuf. Shahjahan got very much intrest in his company. One day Shahjahan Said to him in a happy mood that although he had nothing then yet whatever he would ask for, he would give it to him. Syed Sahib made him to say that thrice and then he asked him to pardon Aurangzeb. Taking oath to Allah. Shahjahan gave his forgiving Aurangzeb in writing. Aurangzeb was very pleased by it. When Aurangzeb killed Sarmad, he requested Mir Sahib to help him because he feared reprisals. Answering his entreaty. Mir Sahib said that there was a labourer in a certain locality of Delhi, only he can help you. Aurangzeb reached there and after much imploring told him his difficulties and said that Syed Sahib had sent him. taking a dig at Syed Sahib, he said that Syed Sahib could not stomach even this profession of mine and sent to you (Aurangzeb) to me. Anyway, Allah is the Master of all. He told Aurangzeb that if he would chose a place other than Delhi to live, the rest of his life would be kept being spent in royalty. So, Aurangzeb really spent the rest of his life in Deccan.
Aurangzeb was much pleased by these two incidents and asked Syed Sahib to demand some thing, he would fulfill it. Syed Sahib Said that if a king insisted so much then he asks the release of feudals(Jagirs) of the Son of his Shaikh (Muhibbullah). So the feudals which were given during the regin of shahjahan and in the life time of Dara Shikoh for the off springs of Shaikh were released by Aurangzeb.