Sufi Words
- Arif (One having intimate knowledge of Allah)
- Adab (Manners, in this case , the manners of the dervish. It is said that the whole art of being a dervish is in one's manners, not only how one treats God, but even more, in how one treats one's fellow humans. The traditional dervishes have many beautiful rituals entwined with every aspect of daily life, especially in greeting and being with each other, which help to maintain awareness of the Divine Presence.)
- Aulia ( Saints)
- Autaa"d (A category of Saint comprising only four at a time in the world)
- Azan (Call given from the Mosque for prayer)
- BAYAT (Initiation; the acceptance of a student into a holy Order - the linking of the being of the student with that of the teacher and with the Chain of Transmission of the Esoteric School and the Spiritual Hierarchy, where the teacher assumes a certain responsibility of the student and the student reaffirms the pledge made by the soul in pre-eternity dedicating itself to becoming an instrument for the transfiguration of the world. )
- Baqa (Life,Existence,Permanence)
- Darvesh (Mystic)
- Deen (Faith)
- Deenar (Currency)
- Dirham (Currency)
- Fakir (Mendicant)
- FANA, FANA-FI (Absorption or effacement into a being or attribute. The grades are traditionally listed as Fana-fi-Shaikh (effacement in one’s teacher), Fana-fi-Rasul (effacement in the Prophet), Fana-fi-'Llah (fa-na-fee 'Llah) (effacement in God). The master of this process is said to be in a condition of Baqa', "subsistence" in the Divine.)
- Farz (Mandatory duties as prescribed by islamic divine law)
- Fuqra (poverty,Mendicancy)
- Ghaus (An upper category of mystic)
- Ghaus-e-Azam (Appellation of famous saint Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Rh)
- Hadees (Saying of holy prophet)
- Haj (pilgrimage to holy Mecca)
- Harem (The holy Ka'ba at mecca)
- HAL (haal) ((Lit, "state" or "condition.") A special-purpose, temporary state of consciousness, generally a product of spiritual practices. A hal (pi. "awhal") is by nature gratuitous and one should not attempt to prolong it. For every true hal (and there are tests for this, part of the " 'Ilm-e-Awhal," the "Science of States"), there is a counterfeit of it based on personal emotion and fantasy.)
- Hijri (Islamic calendar)
- JALAL ((Lit., "power" or "grandeur.") Things or energies in their active or explicitly commanding phase, more or less. (There is no accurate verbal definition for this quality. It does not equate with "male" or "yang," though the flavor of this energy is in some ways similar.)
- JAMAL ((Lit., “beauty" or "devotion.") Things or energies in their receptive phase. (Again more or less equally hard to define. It does not equate with "female" or "yin," though feels somewhat similar.)
- KAMAL (Lit., “beauty" or "devotion.") Things or energies in their receptive phase. (Again more or less equally hard to define. It does not equate with "female" or "yin," though feels somewhat similar.)
- Ka'ba (The house of Allah,holiest place at Mecca)
- Kafir (ungrateful,infidel,tyrant)
- Kalima (Islamic confession of faith)
- Kufr (Infidelity,paganism,blasphemy,ingratitude)
- Majus (Fire worshiper)
- Maarfat (Knowledge of Allah)
- Masjid (Mosque)
- Mecca (The holiest place of Muslim In Saudi Arabia)
- Madina (Second holiest place for Muslim about 50 miles from holy Mecca. The holy shrine of Prophet Muhammad)
- Mureed (Disciple of spiritual guide)
- Murshid (spiritual guide)
- Nabi (Prophet,Messenger of Allah)
- Nafil (Supererogatory)
- Nafs (Sensual appetite,strong desire,self's dominance)
- Namaz (Prayer of Muslim)
- Noor (Divine luminosity,splendor,divine light)
- Peer (Seer,highly learned person)
- Quran (Holy heavenly book of Muslims)
- Qutub (Highest cadre in spiritual pivot)
- Rasool (Prophet,messenger of Allah)
- Roza (Fast by Muslims from down to dusk)
- Sahabi (Muslims companions of the holy Prophet SA)
- Shaikh (Seer,highly learned person)
- Sufi (Mystic)
- Sufism (Mysticism)
- Sunnah (Tradition as practiced by the holy Prophet)
- Sunni (True followers of the teaching of the holy Prophet)
- Tawaaf (Circumambulation)
- Wali (Saint,friend of Allah)
- Zakaat (Religious tax of Islam)
- Zam Zam (Sacred well in Mecca)